The Dragon’s Loyalty Award

I was nominated for The Dragon’s Loyalty Award by Whimsy Journals–thank you for the nomination! I really appreciate it. 🙂

The Dragon's Loyalty Award


  1. Display the award on your blog
  2. Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who awarded you
  3. Present 6 deserving bloggers with the award
  4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded
  5. Write seven interesting things about you.

Facts About Me

  1. When I read, I often read in intense intervals of one-two weeks.
  2. I love fantasy and dystopia novels.
  3. Three series that I can’t wait to finish: Throne of Glass (ToG #5, ToG #6), An Ember in the Ashes (A Torch Against the Night), and The Infernal Devices (Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess).
  4. I’ve just learned how to knit and I enjoy knitting when I have free time.
  5. Currently I still have about fifty plus books on my TBR that have been there for two plus months.
  6. I spend equal amounts of time baking for humans and my dog.
  7. My favorite books are the books that I can read over and over and never grow tired of.


Nicole Grishek @ Nikolie Olie Oh

Christine Rogers @

Rachel @ One Little Bookshelf

Maria Casacelenda @ Big City Bookworm

Laura @ LaLa’s Blog

Magini – books @ Magic of books



5 thoughts on “The Dragon’s Loyalty Award

  1. Thank you for the nomination! Oh my gosh I totally bake for my dogs all the time! They love anything with peanut butter in it 😉 and 50 books on your TBR shelf?!?! Gosh I feel overwhelmed with just 20!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Dragon’s Loyalty Award | LaLa's Blog

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