The Real Neat Blog Award

I was nominated by poppyonkirrinisland @ Poppy’s Best of Books for the Real Neat Blog Award. Thank you! 🙂

The Real Neat Blog Award

The Rules

  1. Thank and follow the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the seven questions that the nominator provided.
  3. Nominate seven other bloggers.
  4. Create seven questions for your nominees.


  1. What is your favorite book of 2015?
    My favorite book of 2015…huh, that’s a tough one. If I really, really have to choose it would either be Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas or City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare.
  2. What is the book that you have read the most?
    Probably Queen of Shadows–it’s so action packed and an enjoyable read.
  3. What was your favorite childhood book?
    The Nancy Drew books by Carolyn Keene. 🙂
  4. How many books (approx) do you think you own?
    I think I own about 149 books.
  5. When did you start blogging and why?
    Fall of 2014 was when I technically started, but I didn’t actively blog until summer of 2015. I started blogging (about books) because I love books and I wanted to recommend books and get book recommendations.
  6. Where is your favorite place to read and why?
    Anywhere quiet–in the living room, at my desk, or on my bed.
  7. Have you got a favorite tasty treat to accompany you and your book?
    I don’t think so…

My Nominees

My Questions

  1. Favorite holiday?
  2. Best book recommendation?
  3. Which book character do you relate to most?
  4. What is your preferred writing instrument?
  5. Favorite blogging music?
  6. What is a series you discovered in 2015 that is now one of your favorite reads?
  7. What is one book you’re anticipating in 2016?