Siblinghood of the World Bloggers Award

Thank you to Ariana @ The Quirky Book Nerd for nominating me–I really appreciate it! 🙂 I apologize for the late post.

Siblinghood of the World Bloggers Award

The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
  • Put the award logo on your blog
  • Answer the 10 questions sent to you
  • Make up 10 new questions for your nominees to answer
  • Nominate 10 blogs

Ariana’s Questions

  1. What are some new releases you are most looking forward to in 2016?
    So many! New 2016 releases that I’m most looking forward to would include Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare, Traitor’s Pyre by Josephine Angelini, A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir, ToG #6 by Sarah J. Maas, The Young Elites #3 by Marie Lu, The Last Star by Rick Yancey, Truthwitch by Susan Dennard, Passenger by Alexandra Bracken, and Stars Above by Marissa Meyer.
  2. What is you favorite under-hyped book?
    Favorite under-hyped books…probably Origin by Jessica Khoury and The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson.
  3. What is one thing (activity, song, movie, etc…) that always makes you happy no matter what?
    Reading. The large majority of the time I’m reading a fairly enjoyable book.
  4. Do you prefer series or standalone novels?
    I do not mind standalone novels, although I have a harder time finding standalone novels that I like, so I’d say series. Plus if I like the series I get to read more of it.
  5. Do you play video games? If so, what are your favorite games to play?
    I do not play video games.
  6. What is your favorite song of all time?
    Lithium by Evanescence.
  7. If you could have any fictional animal as a pet, what would you choose?
    Either Fleetfoot (Throne of Glass) or Fawkes (Harry Potter).
  8. What 2016 movies are you most looking forward to seeing?
    I’m really looking forward to seeing The 5th Wave and Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children in 2016 since they’re both film adaptations based on two of my favorite books.
  9. What book or series would you recommend to someone who says they don’t like to read, and why would you choose that book or series?
    To someone who does not read very often, what book or series would I recommend? It really depends on the person. To everyone (unless if they dislike fantasy) I’d recommend the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling because who could go wrong with these books? To people who prefer more realistic fiction, The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart because it’s a well-developed novel with unique characters. To people who prefer very action packed books, The Maze Runner by James Dashner because my heart would not stop pounding during my first read of the series.
  10. What is your absolute favorite quote?
    I have many favorite quotes, but to pick one…

I Nominate…

My Questions

  1. Favorite band or singer?
  2. One yet to be released 2016 book that you’re really, really excited about.
  3. Favorite color?
  4. You’re sleeping until you suddenly have a really good idea. You (a.) Write it down on the nearest piece of paper, (b.) go back to sleep and write it down the next day, (c.) go back to sleep and forget about it the next day, or (d.) none of the above.
  5. One book that always makes you happy when you reread it.
  6. What is your favorite hyped book?
  7. Who is your favorite intelligent/strategic main character?
  8. Favorite book based on mythology?
  9. Favorite book with a made up language?
  10. Prose or poetry?

The Real Neat Blog Award

I was nominated by poppyonkirrinisland @ Poppy’s Best of Books for the Real Neat Blog Award. Thank you! 🙂

The Real Neat Blog Award

The Rules

  1. Thank and follow the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the seven questions that the nominator provided.
  3. Nominate seven other bloggers.
  4. Create seven questions for your nominees.


  1. What is your favorite book of 2015?
    My favorite book of 2015…huh, that’s a tough one. If I really, really have to choose it would either be Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas or City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare.
  2. What is the book that you have read the most?
    Probably Queen of Shadows–it’s so action packed and an enjoyable read.
  3. What was your favorite childhood book?
    The Nancy Drew books by Carolyn Keene. 🙂
  4. How many books (approx) do you think you own?
    I think I own about 149 books.
  5. When did you start blogging and why?
    Fall of 2014 was when I technically started, but I didn’t actively blog until summer of 2015. I started blogging (about books) because I love books and I wanted to recommend books and get book recommendations.
  6. Where is your favorite place to read and why?
    Anywhere quiet–in the living room, at my desk, or on my bed.
  7. Have you got a favorite tasty treat to accompany you and your book?
    I don’t think so…

My Nominees

My Questions

  1. Favorite holiday?
  2. Best book recommendation?
  3. Which book character do you relate to most?
  4. What is your preferred writing instrument?
  5. Favorite blogging music?
  6. What is a series you discovered in 2015 that is now one of your favorite reads?
  7. What is one book you’re anticipating in 2016?

The Infinity Dreams Award | 1

I was nominated by Tasha @ The Bookie Monsters–thank you! You can visit her wonderful blog here. 🙂

The Infinity Dreams Award


  1. List 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 questions set by your nominator
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  4. Create 11 questions for your nominees.

11 Facts About Me

  1. It’s difficult for me to not always do with something productive with my hands–

Tasha’s Questions

  1. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Do you have a favorite Christmas themed drink?
    Not really…
  2. What would you say is the best book you have read in 2015?
    Any book from the ENTIRE Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas is an amazing read.
    Special Book Set - Throne of Glass Series.
  3. If you could invite any three authors to dinner who would they be and what would you cook?
    Oh I really don’t know to both parts of the question. One: J.K. Rowling because she is a wonderful writer and the creator of one of my favorite fantasy worlds. Two: Suzanne Collins because I love The Hunger Games trilogy and how she builds the suspense for the reader. Three: Sarah J. Maas because she is a fabulous creator of strong female protagonists. E.g. Aelin Galathynius, Manon Blackbeak, Nesryn, Nehemia, Lysandra, Elide 🙂 Six terrific heroines are introduced within the span of five books! Back on topic, I honestly have no idea what I would cook–maybe something inspired by their books?
  4. You’ve won the jackpot! What would be the first thing you would spend your winnings on?
    Books. There are so many great books that I have not read yet.
  5. Any particular country you want to visit?
    England because of the Harry Potter series.
  6. What’s your dream career?
    My dream career would probably be as a novelist and a copyeditor.
  7. Is there a certain food item that you hate and if so why?
    I can’t think of a food item that I hate with a vengeance, but there are many that I don’t enjoy. I guess I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms…
  8. What do you think of the John Lewis Christmas advert this year?
    I have not seen the John Lewis Christmas advert this year, so I do not know.
  9. What are some of your hobbies apart from blogging?
    Some of my hobbies apart from blogging are writing, running, baking, knitting, and origami.
  10. Are you a lover or a fighter?
    I wouldn’t consider myself one or the other.
  11. Favorite Christmas song?
    I don’t know, but I do enjoy listening to Christmas music when it’s the season.

My Nominees

  1. Whimsy Journals
  2. The Lonely Author
  3. reinreads
  4. Don’t Shush Me
  5. My Fantasy Escape
  6. greenish bookshelf
  7. Head In the Clouds, Heart In The Books
  8. susannevalenti
  9. brittanymariereads
  10. Words…I Need Words
  11. The Cyborg Knight

My Questions

  1. In addition to blogging, do you enjoy writing?
  2. Do you read popular books? Why?
  3. Would you rather be a demigod (Percy Jackson and the Oympians by Rick Riordan), witch/wizard (Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling), an immortal Fae (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas), a hobbit, elf, or dwarf (Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien), a Shadowhunter or a Downworlder (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare), a Young Elite (The Young Elites by Marie Lu), a Rider (Eragon by Christopher Paolini), or a Peculiar (Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Why?
  4. If you could explore any fictional world, which world would you explore? Why?
  5. Favorite non-fiction book?
  6. Blogging/reading/writing, etc. new year resolutions?
  7. Do you have a pet? Dog, cat, fish, etc.?
  8. Favorite artists or songs?
  9. What do you do to prevent boredom during a long car ride?
  10. Are you an introvert or extravert?
  11. What would your dream day look like?

The Dragon’s Loyalty Award

I was nominated for The Dragon’s Loyalty Award by Whimsy Journals–thank you for the nomination! I really appreciate it. 🙂

The Dragon's Loyalty Award


  1. Display the award on your blog
  2. Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who awarded you
  3. Present 6 deserving bloggers with the award
  4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded
  5. Write seven interesting things about you.

Facts About Me

  1. When I read, I often read in intense intervals of one-two weeks.
  2. I love fantasy and dystopia novels.
  3. Three series that I can’t wait to finish: Throne of Glass (ToG #5, ToG #6), An Ember in the Ashes (A Torch Against the Night), and The Infernal Devices (Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess).
  4. I’ve just learned how to knit and I enjoy knitting when I have free time.
  5. Currently I still have about fifty plus books on my TBR that have been there for two plus months.
  6. I spend equal amounts of time baking for humans and my dog.
  7. My favorite books are the books that I can read over and over and never grow tired of.


Nicole Grishek @ Nikolie Olie Oh

Christine Rogers @

Rachel @ One Little Bookshelf

Maria Casacelenda @ Big City Bookworm

Laura @ LaLa’s Blog

Magini – books @ Magic of books



The Starlight Blogger Award

Thank you Nya @ NyaReads for nominating me! I apologize that this post is a little late.

The Starlight Blogger Award

The Rules

  1. Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
  2. Answer the 3 original questions and then the 3 new questions from your nominator given to you.
  3. Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers! In your nominees I would like for you to think at the light emanating from the stars the ones that truly touch your soul with their work, the ones that are the light for you a true STARLIGHT Blogger.
  4. Please pass the award on to 6 or more other Bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
  5. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your Blog, please never alter the logo, never change the 3 original questions answer that first then answer the 3 new questions from your nominator and never change the Award rules.
  6. Please don’t delete this note:

The design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter. It is a Copyright image, you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.
Copyright 2015 © – Design by Carolina Russo”

SPOILER ALERT: CAUTION if you have not read Allegiant by Veronica Roth!

Continue reading

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers | 2

Thank you Nya @ Nya Reads and giovannard @ Book Coma for nominating me.

The Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog in your post.
  2. Answer the questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Nominate ten other bloggers.
  4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination.

Nya’s Questions

1. What is your favorite childhood book?

My favorite childhood book would probably be The Chronicles of Harris Burdick, which is a neat anthology of short stories with black and white photographs like the novel Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

2. E-books or printed books?

I definitely prefer printer books because I love the feel of turning the pages. Also  it’s much easier to turn pages and I do not need to charge any device to read them.

3. What is your favorite place to read?

My favorite place to read depends on the weather, but would probably either be my desk or bed.

4. Is there any genre you would never read?

I generally avoid informational texts (writing books exempted) and realistic fiction.

5. What’s your review rating system?

My review rating system has five levels, which is based on a 5-star scale. My Rating page describes my rating system.

6. What is your favorite fictional character?

I have many favorite fictional characters, however my all-time favorite character would have to be Katniss from The Hunger Games. Her character is really tough, but at the same time selfless and compassionate. She also went through so much and still survived.

7. What was the best film adaption of a book?

I think that the best film adaption of a book is all the Harry Potter films. I was not disappointed one bit. The actors were very good and the film stuck true to the story.

8. How do you chose the next book to read?

I choose my next reading book by making a list of all the books I want to read and then select the one with the most intriguing plot synopsis.

9. Top 3 authors?

My top 3 authors would have to be Sarah J. Maas, Cassandra Clare, and Suzanne Collins.

10. Is there any book release you are particularly looking forward to?

Yes! I’m really looking forward to the release of Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs, which is the third book in the Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series. It will be released on September 22, 2015. I’m also looking forward to the release of A Torch Against The Night by Sabaa Tahir, which is the An Ember in the Ashes sequel.

My Nominees:

  1. Kendra @ Reads and Treats
  2. A Page of Heaven
  3. airareads
  4. Claire Huston @ Art and Soul
  5. susannevalenti
  6. rosemarypecan
  7. My Fantasy Escape
  8. Inside the Mind of a Bibliophile
  9. Erika @
  10. SamanthaWho @ dreambydaybookclub

My Questions

  1. Based on writing style, characters, and plot, what is your all-time favorite novel?
  2. What is your least favorite film adaption?
  3. Who are your favorite protagonists?
  4. Of the following characters, who is your favorite heroine? Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, Hermione Granger, Celaena Sardothien, Isabelle Lightwood, Katsa, or Helene Aquilla?
  5. Have you ever read a book where you hoped the POV character would die? If so, which character is that?
  6. What do you do to console yourself after reading a disappointing book ending?
  7. What are your ideal reading conditions?
  8. Favorite novella?
  9. Unique bookworm habit or hobby?
  10. What makes you love or hate a character?

I hope you enjoy the questions! And thank you, Nya and giovannard! 🙂