The Infinity Dreams Award | 1

I was nominated by Tasha @ The Bookie Monsters–thank you! You can visit her wonderful blog here. 🙂

The Infinity Dreams Award


  1. List 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer the 11 questions set by your nominator
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  4. Create 11 questions for your nominees.

11 Facts About Me

  1. It’s difficult for me to not always do with something productive with my hands–

Tasha’s Questions

  1. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Do you have a favorite Christmas themed drink?
    Not really…
  2. What would you say is the best book you have read in 2015?
    Any book from the ENTIRE Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas is an amazing read.
    Special Book Set - Throne of Glass Series.
  3. If you could invite any three authors to dinner who would they be and what would you cook?
    Oh I really don’t know to both parts of the question. One: J.K. Rowling because she is a wonderful writer and the creator of one of my favorite fantasy worlds. Two: Suzanne Collins because I love The Hunger Games trilogy and how she builds the suspense for the reader. Three: Sarah J. Maas because she is a fabulous creator of strong female protagonists. E.g. Aelin Galathynius, Manon Blackbeak, Nesryn, Nehemia, Lysandra, Elide 🙂 Six terrific heroines are introduced within the span of five books! Back on topic, I honestly have no idea what I would cook–maybe something inspired by their books?
  4. You’ve won the jackpot! What would be the first thing you would spend your winnings on?
    Books. There are so many great books that I have not read yet.
  5. Any particular country you want to visit?
    England because of the Harry Potter series.
  6. What’s your dream career?
    My dream career would probably be as a novelist and a copyeditor.
  7. Is there a certain food item that you hate and if so why?
    I can’t think of a food item that I hate with a vengeance, but there are many that I don’t enjoy. I guess I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms…
  8. What do you think of the John Lewis Christmas advert this year?
    I have not seen the John Lewis Christmas advert this year, so I do not know.
  9. What are some of your hobbies apart from blogging?
    Some of my hobbies apart from blogging are writing, running, baking, knitting, and origami.
  10. Are you a lover or a fighter?
    I wouldn’t consider myself one or the other.
  11. Favorite Christmas song?
    I don’t know, but I do enjoy listening to Christmas music when it’s the season.

My Nominees

  1. Whimsy Journals
  2. The Lonely Author
  3. reinreads
  4. Don’t Shush Me
  5. My Fantasy Escape
  6. greenish bookshelf
  7. Head In the Clouds, Heart In The Books
  8. susannevalenti
  9. brittanymariereads
  10. Words…I Need Words
  11. The Cyborg Knight

My Questions

  1. In addition to blogging, do you enjoy writing?
  2. Do you read popular books? Why?
  3. Would you rather be a demigod (Percy Jackson and the Oympians by Rick Riordan), witch/wizard (Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling), an immortal Fae (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas), a hobbit, elf, or dwarf (Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien), a Shadowhunter or a Downworlder (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare), a Young Elite (The Young Elites by Marie Lu), a Rider (Eragon by Christopher Paolini), or a Peculiar (Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Why?
  4. If you could explore any fictional world, which world would you explore? Why?
  5. Favorite non-fiction book?
  6. Blogging/reading/writing, etc. new year resolutions?
  7. Do you have a pet? Dog, cat, fish, etc.?
  8. Favorite artists or songs?
  9. What do you do to prevent boredom during a long car ride?
  10. Are you an introvert or extravert?
  11. What would your dream day look like?