Liebster Award | 2

Thank you iloveheartlandx @ Book Lovers Blog for nominating me for the Liebster Award. You can visit her blog here.

The Liebster Award

The Rules

  1. Once you are nominated, thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  2. Nominate eleven smaller bloggers (try to keep to under 300 followers). You may have to go hunting for these blogs, the idea is to find new blogs and share them with the community. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.
  3. Answer the eleven questions the presenter asked you.
  4. Write eleven questions for the bloggers you nominated to answer.
  5. Lastly, copy the rules in this post.

iloveheartlandx’s Questions

  1. What do you love most about reading?
    What I love most about reading is being able to lose myself in the words, explore new (fantasy) worlds, and spend time with amazing characters.
  2. Favorite book blog that you’ve discovered this year?
    I don’t know. I’ve discovered a lot of wonderful book blogs this year.
  3. Why did you start blogging?
    I started blogging because I wanted to give blogging a try and because I wanted a place to talk about books. In 2014, I had an approximately ten month hiatus from blogging and then I began blogging again. I continued because I began to really enjoy it and a lot of book blogs are filled with great book recommendations.
  4. TV series that you love to binge-watch?
    I don’t exactly have a TV series that I love to binge-watch. But I am interested in seeing what becomes of the Shadowhunters TV series.
  5. Favorite movie?
    My favorite movie really depends on my mood. Generally movies I haven’t seen yet are the most entertaining, but all-time favorites would be Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit.
  6. Favorite book series?
    Again, it really depends on my mood. At the moment though, I really want to read The 5th Wave trilogy and The Lunar Chronicles since I haven’t read all the books.
  7. Favorite stand-alone book?
    I don’t often read stand-alone books, so when I do read one, it’s usually pretty good. I guess either Coraline or The Ocean At the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. Both were beautifully written, but slightly creepy reads.
  8. If you could be any animal what would you be?
    Maybe a hawk–it would be fun to fly. Or a dog: dogs have such easy lives.
  9. Who is your favorite fictional character?
    That’s a hard one…I have so many favorite fictional characters. To pick one…Hermione Granger.
  10. What do you like to do outside of reading?
    Outside of reading, I enjoy writing, running, baking, and knitting.
  11. Who is your favorite singer?
    Amy Lee from Evanescence–she has a really beautiful voice. I would never have begun listening to her though if it weren’t for Veronica Roth’s Divergent playlist.

My Questions

  1. What film adaptation or any movie are you most excited for in 2016?
  2. What are three 2016 releases you are dying to read?
  3. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
  4. Do you have a pet?
  5. What is one book with a lot of hype that you like?
  6. Who is your favorite mischievous character? (e.g. Peeves the poltergeist from Harry Potter)
  7. What is one film adaptation you like more than the book?
  8. Pen or pencil?
  9. Paper book or eBook?
  10. Paperback or hardcover?
  11. Do you like doing artistic activities? (e.g. drawing, sewing)

My Nominees

In my previous Liebster Award post, I nominated 11 other blogs. So I nominate anyone who hasn’t done the Liebster Award yet or anyone interested in answering my questions. 🙂


The Starlight Blogger Award

Thank you Nya @ NyaReads for nominating me! I apologize that this post is a little late.

The Starlight Blogger Award

The Rules

  1. Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
  2. Answer the 3 original questions and then the 3 new questions from your nominator given to you.
  3. Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers! In your nominees I would like for you to think at the light emanating from the stars the ones that truly touch your soul with their work, the ones that are the light for you a true STARLIGHT Blogger.
  4. Please pass the award on to 6 or more other Bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
  5. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your Blog, please never alter the logo, never change the 3 original questions answer that first then answer the 3 new questions from your nominator and never change the Award rules.
  6. Please don’t delete this note:

The design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter. It is a Copyright image, you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.
Copyright 2015 © – Design by Carolina Russo”

SPOILER ALERT: CAUTION if you have not read Allegiant by Veronica Roth!

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